Urdaneta City University
San Vicente West, Urdaneta City
Ethnic Groups in the Philippines
Distance Education
Sunshine E. Abriam
Mary Claire F. Obina
Hanna Jean T. Gabinete
Module 1.
Module 2.
Module 3.
Module 4.
Module 5.
Introduction to the Course
Welcome to the course "Ethnic Groups of the Philippines in Distance Education"
This course has been prepared in response to many changes that are occurring in the developing world in the new way education and training programs are produced and delivered, how educational institutions are organized and how educational resources are distributed. We have tried to prepare a course
that on the one hand will help you become more informed about the application of new technologies indistance education, but on the other keeps a sense of realism with regard to what can be undertaken in less
developed countries where the technological infrastructure and human resources may be very limited. This
is a very exciting time to be involved in distance education. As a force contributing to social and economic
development, distance education has historically been regarded as an unimportant and marginal activity.
Recently this has started to change, largely as a result of a growing interest among educators in the use of the
technologies that distribute information and facilitate interpersonal communications.
What this course is about and what you can expect to learn.
I. the concept of distance education (DE), its history and the role of Enthnic groups of the Philippines.
Technology in this particular form of education;
II. achieving the core functions of the teaching-learning transaction in DE and the corresponding
organizational, social, and technological implications;
III. What is known about learning and the special needs of learners and corresponding implications for studying history of ethnic groups i the Philippines
in distance education;
IV. principal traditional issues at institutions;
For you to develop an understanding of the concept of ......
After studying Module one(1), you will be able to:
1. To define the word Ethnic Group.
2. To distinguish the different traditional ethnic group of the Philippines.
3. To classify the different Ethnic Group in the Philippines.
4. To appreciate the culture and tradition of each ethnic groups.
5. To integrate the traditional and modern way of living in the society.
6. To value their beliefs.
7. To propose a recommendation on preventing discrimination of ethnic group in the society.
not yet done